Press Release - SAIL
Salisbury special school takes significant steps towards official opening
Salisbury special school takes significant steps towards official opening
SAIL Free School Update
Reach South Academy Trust is celebrating hitting a new milestone in the bid to open a special needs free school in Salisbury. The Department for Education have appointed Tilbury Douglas as the project’s preferred building contractor – a vital step to getting the school doors open and the building confirmed. The milestone comes following a year of progress for the proposed school as it comes closer to becoming a reality.
The Reach South Academy Trust Board, as Admission Authority for the UTC Plymouth, proposes to reduce the PAN for Year-9 and Year-12 from 150 to 120, with effect from September 2022.
We were delighted to recently hold our Reach South Leadership Conference 2021 at The Exeter Court Hotel.
The Dorset Art Prize was established by Bournemouth and School College in 2014 with the support of Dorset Community Foundation. The key objective of the Prize is to actively engage with all aspects of the community through encouraging and helping to create a broader, more inclusive vision for art locally. This year (2021) a new prize category for schools – the Primary School Art Prize – was introduced. The theme of the 2021 Art Prize was Narrative.
Congratulations to Alex Boyce, Teacher at Millbay Academy, for winning a Silver Award for Teacher of the Year! Alex says it's 'absolutely amazing' to be a winner.
UTC Plymouth are celebrating the new school year with a visit from BBC Spotlight to celebrate the rapid expansion and welcome our first Year 7 students and largest new intake of teaching staff.
Reach South Academy Trust, c/o UTC Plymouth, Park Avenue, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 4RL
T: 01752 987060