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Trust Self-Service Portal

Employee/Manager Self Service Portal

Reach South Academy Trust has adopted PS People Employee and Manager Self Service Portal to support employees and managers enabling employees and managers to manage their own information at the same time as improve processes in the Trust.  

As an employee you can:

  • View and update personal data
  • View contractual information
  • View and update bank details
  • View, download and print payslips and P60s
  • Manage annual leave (non term time employees only)
  • View sickness records
  • View, download policies and templates

As a manager you can:

  • View contractual information for all your employees
  • View personal details of all your employees
  • Manage annual leave for employees (non term-time only)
  • Report sickness absence and manage sickness absence

Further functionality will be rolled out over the next 12 months that will improve employees and managers ability to take more ownership of processes within the Trust such as booking time off, claiming overtime etc.  

Reach South Academy Trust has developed self-service portal guides to support managers and employees as follows:

The self-service portal is a web based cloud service and can be found at:

If you experience any technical difficulties please contact or Tel: 01752 422955

Contact Us

Reach South Academy Trust, c/o UTC Plymouth, Park Avenue, Devonport, Plymouth, PL1 4RL

T: 01752 987060